Monday 20th November was Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR), a day to memorialize those who have been murdered or hurt as a result of transphobia.

Ironically, Yousef Hussain, a 21-year-old East Londoner who is transitioning to female, experienced violent abuse while out partying with girl friends on the night of TDoR.

Seeing Yousef dressed in feminine attire, an older man yelled “you shouldn’t be in here, queer” and “don’t say another word, faggot.” Feeling uncomfortable, Yousef stepped outside only to be pursued by the man who came at him with a knife, cutting his arm.

Refusing to be put off by this attack, Yousef is looking to change identity with the help of surgery and cosmetics. Over the years he has saved up around £17,000 to have surgery at MYA (Make Yourself Amazing) Cosmetics. Planned operations include: lip fillers, feminising facial surgery, liposuction on waist, stomach and thigh, breast implants and botox.

Let’s the world will soon be more accepting of Yousef and others in the LGBT community. “I don’t want our predecessors to have lived and fought in vain,” Yousef insists.