"Twin Hug" by donnierayjones is licensed under CC BY

Recently on my way back to work I came across a man holding a ‘hug me’ sign. So I hugged him. I don’t know why he wanted one but if he was willing to stand outside in the freezing cold, waiting, I thought he deserved a hug. Maybe he just needed to keep warm.

I warned him that I work at a chicken schnitzel stall and probably stank of eggs. He didn’t even let me finish my sentence. Instead he gave me a big, cosy hug. I have to say it felt so peaceful, so gentle and very needed that I went back there after work to see if he was still there. But he was gone.

I’ve always loved hugging because I personally believe it is as effective as painkillers; something of an antidepressant but less harmful and more fun. Hugging is good medicine and we should all medicate three times a day, because the hormones it releases aren’t just for happy feelings — they can also help your “physical health.”

The many healthy benefits of hugging, include:

  1. Hugs can boost your self-confidence and self-worth.
  2. Hugs can play a key role in stabilising your relationship.
  3. If you are stressed, hugging can put a smile on your face.
  4. Hugs can even strengthen the immune system.
  5. A hug can create a sense of trust and safety.
  6. By hugging you are relaxing your muscles.
  7. Hugs are free: we give but we also receive.
  8. Hugging is like meditation: it enhances self-control.
  9. Hugging is a simple way of showing love.
  10. Hugging takes no time- it’s quick, easy and (usually) pleasant.

Just remember: Hugging Helps

Twin Hug” by donnierayjones is licensed under CC BY