Edible Viruses

The pandemic has inspired a few of the zanier chefs and bakeries around the world to create corona-themed dishes in the hope of putting a smile on our face. Corona-creations are popping up all over the globe, with some in Asia, some in America, and some in Europe. Each one is done differently, but all of them are trying to bring a bit of light into the gloomy time we are living in.

  1. Corona Burger

A Vietnamese chef has been trying to raise spirits in Hanoi with his green-tinged corona-themed burgers. Locals insist that the chef’s culinary creation has helped to boost morale. “You’ve got to eat it, to beat it”, is what the people of Hanoi are supposedly saying.

  1. Toilet Roll Cake

From the early days of the pandemic, we all recall the shortage of toilet roll. In response, a Chicago bakery called Tipsy Space created the toilet roll cake. They often come in pastel colours but this is the only toilet role that’s nice enough to eat.

  1. Face Mask Cookies

A German bakery called Schurener Backparadies is producing face mask cookies. Apparently finding a face mask in Germany has been tough, but if you didn’t manage to get one, hopefully you enjoyed one of these emojis instead.

  1. COVID-19 Easter Egg

French chocolatier Jean-François is the creator of the viral Easter egg. The eggs are made to resemble the virus as it appears from the lens of a microscope. Consisting of white and dark chocolate, and red almonds, this chocolate egg is at the upmarket end of corona-themed foods.