Hunger Striker Dies in Izmir Prison

Aside from COVID-19, let's not forget there are others matters of life and death

Kurdish musician Mustafa Koçak died on the 297th day of his death fast for the right to a fair trial. Koçak, a 28-year-old member of the music band Grup Yorum, was sentenced to life imprisonment for “violation of the [Turkish] constitution”. Sentence was passed on the basis of a single witness statement.

In pursuit of a fair trial, Koçak began a hunger strike at İzmir Şakran prison. On 12 March he was rushed to hospital where he was force fed. But his death was announced on 24 April.

“Know that the state murdered Mustafa so as not to hear him in court,” the stated Halkın Hukuk Bürosu (The People’s Law Office) on Twitter.

In Turkey, violation of the right to a fair trial is not uncommon for political prisoners, anti-government music bands, journalists, artists, and even for the lawyers who defend them. Less than four weeks ago another Grup Yorum member, Helin Bölek, also died while on hunger strike. Her fellow-musician Ibrahim Gökçek is still starving to be heard.

Here is a poem I wrote to express my emotions on the current situation in Turkey:

Hope is Starving

I woke up with life, I woke up with joy
I woke up with melody.
Hunger took my breath; hunger took my joy
Hunger cut my voice.

I became immortal with the love of music,
I became immortal with the love of justice.

My wings flew to a place where there’s no hunger,
To a place where there’s no wonder
To a place where I can tightly hug my mother.
I sacrificed my soul on this road,
Just to become stronger.

My name is Mustafa,
I died weighing the same number as my age
28 was the last stage of my page.
I was stuck in a cage,
Accused of criminal engagement
By a false police statement.

I starved to death,
For a last free breath.

I became immortal with the love of music,
I became immortal with the love of justice.

My name is Helin,
Mustafa was my bandmate.
We both died at the age of 28.
Save Ibrahim,
Before it’s too late.

I died with my eyes open,
I died still hoping.
But Ibrahim is still coping
Save him,
Before it’s too late.

My name is Ibrahim,
I don’t want to die,
Save me before I say goodbye.

I’m a guitarist,
Not an illegal alarmist
Don’t be a narcissist,
Please do something
To save me before I die.