“Millennials spend 10 hours a week on dating apps.” That’s what The Independent affirms, highlighting research conducted on 5,000 young adults ranging from 18-to-30 years old. But is it true that Millennials are addicted to dating apps? And is it right that most of us find it hard to commit to a relationship because of this?

According to Metro, Millennials suffer from “commitmentphobia”, literally the fear of commitment, so much so that it is hard to find a person who is willing to enter a relationship. Signs of unwillingness to make a commitment include ”we are seeing each other” and “it’s nothing serious”, which are almost catchphrases among this age group. The Metro article suggests that long-term relationships are seen as too much bother when casual dating is so much easier, thanks to apps like Tinder, Badoo and Bumble.

But is it fair to blame the apps for our reluctance to make a commitment?

According to a survey conducted by matchmaking agency eHarmony there are other reasons for this. Nearly 40% of respondents reported anxiety about finding the right partner, 38% said they were afraid of getting hurt and 35% felt unable to maintain a relationship, long-term.

Overall, dating apps play a part in the lack of commitment among young people. But they are far from the only factor.