Moon Chung-in, adviser to South Korean president Moon Jae-in, told CNN that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is ”alive and well”. This statement comes right after widespread rumours that he has died, possibly of coronovarus or as a result of failed heart surgery.

“Where’s Kim?” has been a recurring question since 15 April when the figurehead of North Korea’s military dictatorship failed to show up to a state occasion commemorating his grandfather, the founder of the regime.

The failed heart surgery story involves a team of doctors dispatched from China who arrived too late to save him. Another version has Kim in hospital in a vegetative state. On the other hand, his private train has been spotted at a coastal resort. It may be that this is only an extreme form of social distancing: the great leader has been removed from the capital in order to shield him until the coronavirus pandemic dies down.

As London’s lockdown approaches its end of days, to entertain ourselves perhaps we could open a book on the eventual outcome of the Kim Jong-un saga.

If anyone fancies a flutter on this, I’ll be happy to take your bets.