Some say that the art is an extension of the artist and therefore what they create cannot be judged separately. So if an artist has done something wrong then by supporting their art you are supporting them.

Others argue that we should not include the artist’s personal life in any judgement of their work. Either way there are enough examples out there of great work by dodgy people, whether it be in the fields of music, painting, fashion, film or literature.

Picasso has to be one of the best known examples: one of the greatest painters of all time, and one of the greatest – and allegedly abusive womanisers.

In their podcast below, the Sour Gals discuss various POP culture examples including Kanye West and the many controversies he has attached to his name. From interrupting Taylor Swift at the Video Music Awards twelve years ago to having an accused sexual abuser, Marilyn Manson, on his Sunday service, West sure knows how to make it hard to separate the band from the brand.