Tensions are rising in France. Especially in the banlieues (working class estates away from city centres), young people are more likely to flout social distancing rules and police do not seem to have a clear line on how to intervene. When they do go in hard, their targets are often youths of North African descent.

Since 17 March, France has been lockdown. This was supposed to end last week, until President Macron announced on national television that it would be prolonged until 11 May.












The rules are stricter than in the UK. Every person who wants to go out needs to have an attestation authorising them to leave their house. Each time you go out, you must download one of these from the government’s website, print it off and fill it in. Citizens must give their name, home address, date of birth, reasons for their outing and the date and time of their outing. They have to carry their attestation every time they go out in case of being stopped by the police. If you are not able to present your attestation at that specific moment they can fine you 135€ rising to 200€ if they catch you a second time.


No wonder the situation in France is becoming increasingly tense.