The No Packaging Challenge


In an attempt to reduce my carbon footprint, I decided to try living without packaging in East London for three days.

I cycle everywhere and I am a vegan, so this was an obvious next step. I realised that three days was not long enough to make me a zero-waste person for ever, but at least I’d be able to test the idea. I also only had time to try and avoid any packaging for food and a few domestic products.

So, what are my conclusions? For some of them you must watch the film! But three other thoughts I have had which are not in the film are below:

  1. Is it realistic for someone on my salary to only buy sustainable clothing – or would I be condemned to only using thrift stores?
  2. How will I ever get snacks if I need them in an emergency? If I wanted crisps, I would have to make them! And what about chocolate? The only late place for snacks near me is a petrol station and everything there comes in packaging.
  3. But the main problem is how much it would cost. What a palaver! I wonder if the upper class are the only ones who can afford to live zero-waste.