October saw the resurrection of a much loved church on the Isle of Dogs. St Luke’s Church in Alpha Grove E14 was bombed during the Blitz in 1940, forcing the congregation into a makeshift chapel on the side of the church hall.

Its new incarnation features enormous glass windows that let the light onto the congregation below. The opening ceremony started with singing and prayers followed by a blessing from the Bishop of Stepney. Afterwards there were  snacks and drinks for all.

Tikei Okide told Rising East what the opening meant to them. “This new church will bring people together, giving knowledge, peace and faith. Anyone is welcome here. The church is close to a Muslim community and there are plenty of times when they come here, because despite us having different religions, we are all still brothers under the eyes of God. We are all neighbours and we all love our community,” said Tikei.

“I like the new look,” they added. “The traditional churches are normally darker inside and it separates you from the outside world. With the glass windows, it connects us with the world. We can be close to God and see outside. People on the outside can see us and can come in whenever they wish.”

Follow this link for a pictorial history of the church