Tis The Season To Be Hungover

It’s December, a month of pre-parties, parties and after parties. Some of us will be partying all the way to into the new year. So here are five hangover cures to help you get to work or study the next morning feeling fresh and ready to go.

  1. A good old fry up: According to Richard Stephens, professor of psychology at Keele University, the carbohydrates in a full English will help get your sugar levels back to normal.
  2. Coffee: Drinking a small amount on the morning after will wake you up and give you temporary relief from headaches by slowing down the blood that’s pumping to your brain.
  3. Eat a banana: Eating a banana the night before and the morning after will help you stay hydrated because they are 75 percent water. But they are also full of potassium which you lose when you drink, making you feel nauseous.
  4. Water: Replace the fluids lost after your heavy night of drinking, no one feels good while dehydrated.
  5. Painkillers: Dehydration makes your brain swell up and anti-inflammatories such as Ibuprofen ease that problem fast.