Would you add AI as a friend on social media?

Not long ago, it was said that “AI is the future” and it would replace people in certain types of jobs because then it was mainly used in different fields to support advanced technology in health care, manufacturing, transportation and finance.

But now it feels like it is everywhere; many things are generated and created online using AI, from songwriting, mimicking photographs taken by professional human photographers, and writing articles to chatbots on apps you use on your phone.

On the 27th of February, a new Snapchat feature called My AI was released only for Snapchat Plus subscribers at the cost of £3.99 a month. But on Tuesday, 18th April, Snapchat made it available for all Snapchat users for free with terms and conditions; the term begins with ‘My AI ‘asking users to accept it as a friend, if you accept the request, you can chat with the AI about anything, it can provide information, act like as if it’s one of your friends. The creepy part is that the Ai doesn’t delay in seconds to respond, and it pretty much holds a very realistic human-like conversation.

Users were quick to take this to TikTok and share their unsettling experiences. One user posted a screenshot video of Snapchat with a scary-themed sound in the background where the Ai bot is suggesting if they can watch a movie together and proceeds to say, “Let’s plan to video chat tomorrow night”.

People were then sharing their own experiences with the AI in the comment section about her experience. One user commented, “I asked mine for their name it said ‘My AI’, I said I don’t like that name, and it said ‘would you preferer a dead relative’s name?” with a terrified emoji at the end.

Another added, “I saw him peek at my other snap conversations with my friend. The little robot popped up; I believe they can see all my conversations.”

And, of course, the usual TikTok humour doesn’t disappoint; others were there to share their witty encounter with the new AI feature.

One user said, ‘caught mine in 2 lies so far. It’s a gaslighting PRO. Another simply said, “My AI blocked me.”

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