Gardening Keeps Me Sane, Says Mousstafa

Since lockdown measures were put into place, many people have been spending more time in the garden. Mousstafa is a husband and father who finds gardening therapeutic, and, when so many people are cooped up in airless flats, he feels very lucky at having a large garden to take pleasure in.

Being surrounded by nature reminds him of where he grew up, in Jolaka. The flowers and vegetables mean he can almost smell his own childhood.

He now has time to relax in the garden every day. In between watering, weeding and feeding, he loves to drink a glass of chai (black tea).

Here is a glimpse into Mousstafa’s garden….

Did you see the freshly grown lettuce, spring onions and parsley? The only sound in the background is the birds. Mousstafa did say that he won’t mind going back to his day job because he misses the routine; but I think he will miss the garden even more.