A recent study showed that 25% of students at university will catch an sexually transmitted infection (STI) during their first year of university, due to having unprotected sex. Sixty-three per cent of students admitted to having unprotected sex; 15% of students said they had unprotected sex with two or more partners. But you don’t have to be another STI statistic. Here are five simple tips on how to keep yourself and your partner safe when you hook up.

1) Condoms: The safest way to have sex, is obviously to use a condom. Condoms have a 98% of effectiveness against STIs. Remember to check expiry dates and to check if the condom has been damaged. Condoms are great, but they aren’t indestructible.

2) Get yourself checked regularly: It doesn’t take much to go to the clinic and get yourself checked. STI symptoms aren’t always obvious and some people don’t have any symptoms at all. It’s better to know that you are clean by getting checked.

3) Avoid drunken one-night stands: We all know that, the more you drink, the more attractive certain people become….But while you are drinking you don’t have your best thinking cap on. A recent study suggested that 19% of unwanted pregnancies among young people, are the result of drink/drug-fuelled one-night stands.

4) Remember that STIs are also spread through oral and anal sex: Use protection when taking part in oral or anal sex. Infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea are spread through any genital contact.

5) Wash and brush up your sex toys: If you decide to use sex toys, make sure they are clean. Remember you can use a condom on sex toys too.

Some people just want to try to impress their friends at university. But is it really worth it, to risk your body for a body count? Better to find yourself the right partner and have fun.

If you feel you need help or more detailed guidelines, go to your local clinic or check out the NHS website