Valentine’s Day: Call For Celebration…Or Concern?

Valentine’s Day can be a special celebration for many, whether it’s gifting your loved one or going out to dine. Sadly, for some the 14th of February is a daunting day – a reminder that love runs deep but not always smooth. Also, the day not only comes with expectations, it comes with costs that are good for business but not necessarily for our financial wellbeing.

According to  Finder over 32 million Brits will be spending money on their loved ones this Valentine’s Day; on average each person spends £35, meaning a total spend of £1.45 billion in the UK alone.

Are we spending this much simply to celebrate togetherness? Or are we under undue pressure to spend, spend, spend?

I asked students what they thought of Valentine’s Day. Is it a cause for straightforward celebration, or is there too much pressure to make celebrations look good on Instagram? This films shows what they said.

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