Home Authors Posts by Olga Savic

Olga Savic


Goodbye To London

Rising East reporter Olga Savic's film takes us back to the days of London crowds before musing on what this city means to her...

Audio Diaries: Dear Coronavirus, Please Stop!

Responding on a personal level to the corona-world we're living in, I've decided to be sarcastic. Because sometimes the only thing we can do...

Lonely Londoners Adrift In Lockdown

On her way to a medical appointment across town, Rising East reporter Olga Savic takes time out to capture the city she loves as...

A Few Regrets…And What We’re Looking Forward To

Now we're all isolated from each other, I asked Rising East reporters what they regret not having done before the lock down, and what...

Posts From The Pandemic No 25: London On Lockdown

Olga Savic turns her lens towards the city as we have never seen it before.

Posts From The Pandemic No 19: Croatia Calling

Coronavirus is affecting hundreds of countries worldwide and Croatia is not immune. Here are two video reports of the effects of COVID-19 on different...

Me And Mr Jones

Mr. Jones is about the Welsh journalist Gareth Jones who exposed the truth about famine in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s. It...

Post-Recovery Stage For Previously Ailing Music Biz

Remember when we were growing up and everyone we knew was downloading songs from the Internet for free? Generation Ypay, they called us. And...

Leaving London For Rural Ireland

There's something magical about nature, and Ireland is one of those countries with plenty of nature on offer. What's more, it doesn't cost an...

Theatre Of The Public Sphere?

A recent visit to the theatre reminded me what an important place the theatre has within the public sphere. The play I saw was Pests...

A Corporate Attack On Democracy

Because of the upcoming election politicians are trying to influence the way we think. But something I came across recently while waiting for the...

Saving The World Through Art

Artists, academics, and environmental activists got together in the Tate Exchange space of Tate Modern recently for a two-day event called The Future of...